
April 5, 2016

Four Things to Do Before Your First Prospect Tour of the Day

If you’re a temporary associate we know you often play a big part in helping prospects who are considering moving into the communities where you’re working! In our experience, much of your success in leasing apartments will be based on what you do before the first prospect walks through the door.


It may sound cliche, but you really do need to be “Be Prepared!” because your prospects expect you to be prepared.

Remember, they don’t know whether you’re a temporary associate or a full-time member of the staff. If you’re behind the desk they assume that your level of expertise will be high. So, here are some things you can do when you arrive at your community in the morning to set you up for success.

One: Know the Office Layout

I know, this sounds silly! But listen, if this is your first time in a community, people walking in the door will want to know where the restrooms are, where they can get coffee, pay their rent, find the business computers, the location of the fitness center, where they pickup packages and so on!

So when you walk in, make sure you allocate five minutes to discover where everything is in the office.

Two: Walk the Tour Path

Again, if you’re a multifamily vet you’ve heard this many times, but it’s crucial that you walk the path that you will be taking customers on! The last thing you want when turning the corner to the apartment is to find a big pile of something in your way and your prospects way! (It’s happened to me-believe me, I speak from experience!)

So, take a quick walk and make sure that everything looks good.

Three: Check the Model(s)

There are two aspects of this. The first is the obvious-you’ll want to make sure the model is ready for prospects to see. Does it smell good? Look good? Are the pillows on the couch arranged? Do the lights work in the kitchen? Did someone use the model toilet (UGH!) and forget to flush? Stuff like this!

  • The second is to take a look at the model and ask yourself:
  • What do I like about this apartment? Floorplan?
  • What do I not like? What would I change?
  • What do I think a customer would like about this?
  • What do I think a customer would hate?

Doing this quick pre-brief prepares you for potential selling points that you’ll want to emphasize and objections that you may need to help a customer overcome.

Four: Check Yourself

Before you start take a minute to check in with yourself. Seriously! Did someone cut you off on the way to work and now you’re irritated? Are you not in a “people mood” today? Does your face communicate that you want to actually help anyone today?

If you feel something is off ask yourself these questions:





Remember HALT! Then if you’re hungry grab a snack from your purse. If you’re angry take a minute to cool down. If you’re lonely, tell yourself that you’ll reach out to a friend on your break and chat or make plans to hang out. If you’re tired, have some coffee or take a nap on your break!

Follow these four steps and you’ll be prepared for success, every day!

Success, Success as a Temp, Work Tips , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
About Rommel Anacan

Rommel Anacan is the president of The Relationship Difference-a professional and personal development firm in Orange County, California. He is a sought-after motivational speaker, corporate trainer and strategist and has spoken for leading companies, organizations and to thousands of people nationwide. In 2017 he became the newest member of the famed Apartment All-Stars team! For more information about Rommel, visit