
April 27, 2017

Why Can’t I Figure Out My Daughter’s Math??

I was remembering recently a time when my daughter asked me a math-related question. I looked at the math problem on the page and I had NO idea where to start! The problem I had was that the my daughter needed to explain how she figured out what “9X8” was, for example. So, when she asked me how to explain it, I was at a loss for words because I didn’t know how to explain why the answer was “72.” There was no explaining in my day, just solving.

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Well, if you have children going through the Common Core curriculum (like my daughter) you know that it is designed to help children critically-think, problem solve and analyze, as opposed to relying solely on the rote memorization that many of us were taught in school.

(BTW: I know there are strong opinions regarding Common Core issue, so don’t get stuck in the weeds here….this is NOT about the pros and cons of Common Core!)

Getting Over the “Hump”

I thought about the irony involved in this situation. Here I am, someone who flies around the country and works with some of the finest companies and organizations providing them with solutions and strategies to grow their businesses-and I’m stumped by elementary school math! Funny, right?

How does this relate to you?

When I got started in this industry, I really struggled. When I got my first performance review it was clear to me that my manager was underwhelmed by my performance-even though it had gotten better by that point, and I could feel the ceiling dropping on my career in this company.

Thankfully, someone rescued me from the rut I was in and tapped me to become the customer care manager of the company-and that turned my career around and led me on the path which brings this article to you today. (So, not matter where you are, you CAN turn it around!)

Here is what I would have done differently

I would have taken responsibility earlier in my career for my career-and not waited for the people around me to help me succeed. I would have been more intentional about asking myself:

-Where are my weak spots?

-Where do I need additional support?

-What are the tough questions I need to ask-and what are the tough answers I need to hear?

-Where can I find the answers and solutions I need, without waiting for someone else to do that for me?

Take Advantage of Development Opportunities

If your company has a training department take a look and see what classes they offer and register! If your company doesn’t have a training department, check with your local apartment association to see if they offer anything. And, of course, the Interwebs has a plethora of information (some of it good!) that can help you. 

Find a Mentor

I started meeting with a mentor a couple of years ago and I wish I would’ve done that 20 years ago! There are many people who have a lot of experience and wisdom, who would love to share it with you. BTW: Mentorship isn’t limited to in-person contact! I have been mentored by many people in my life, that I have never met, through their books, podcasts, and sermons.

Here are some books that have impacted me powerfully…

  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
  • Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money by Dave Ramsey
  • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell

Look for the lessons around you!

Some of the most powerful lessons I have learned have not come from a classroom, or a seminar, but rather from watching my favorite TV shows, movies and/or reading a good book! Admit it, aren’t there movies that you gravitate to when you need to feel inspired, encouraged, or just need a really good cry? When you find yourself watching a movie that moves you in some way, ask yourself “WHY?”

Why do you cry when you see the end scenes of Titanic or The Notebook? Why do you feel like charging the hill after watching Braveheart or The Patriot? What can you learn about leadership from watching Miracle or Remember the Titans? What can watching a romantic comedy teach you about sales and customer service?

Apply What You’ve Learned

All of the lessons you’ve learned won’t matter if you don’t put them to work for you! So, be sure to apply what you’ve learned, every day!

Today, I may still not totally know about math pyramids, or groups of ten, but I know enough that I can help my daughter whenever she has a question and it feels good!

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About Rommel Anacan

Rommel Anacan is the president of The Relationship Difference-a professional and personal development firm in Orange County, California. He is a sought-after motivational speaker, corporate trainer and strategist and has spoken for leading companies, organizations and to thousands of people nationwide. In 2017 he became the newest member of the famed Apartment All-Stars team! For more information about Rommel, visit