
November 27, 2019

Home for the Holidays

As the famous Christmas song goes there really is, “No place like home for the holidays!” The Holiday season is a wonderful time to be in the multifamily industry. The spirit is festive and joyous. (Well, mostly.) Residents and vendors will be bringing in food and refreshments (and if you’re lucky they’ll bring stuff you actually like!) And there is such a special feeling during this time of the year.

This is a great time to piggyback on the warmth and wonder of the Holiday season and help create memories with and for your residents this season. Which in turn will help them feel better about choosing your community for their home!

So, what are some things you can do?

  • BE EXTRA NICE: Before I get to the special things you can do, let’s start with the basics you already know,  but may not always do like smiling, standing up and greeting people when they walk in. Saying things like, “I’d be happy to help you with that!” Being extra patient when people ask you the same question again and again and again!
  • BE EXTRA PATIENT: I don’t have to tell you that the Christmas season can be as stressful as it is wonderful. So, be extra patient with your residents when they ask you dumb questions, ask you the same question multiple times, or are terse in their communications with you.
  • ORGANIZE A TOY DRIVE: Many organizations collect toys for families that need Santa’s helpers to have presents under the tree this Christmas. So it’s not too late to reach out to an organization like Toys-4-Tots to see how you can help!
  • ORGANIZE A FOOD DRIVE: Local food banks are often overwhelmed with requests during the Holiday season, so why not mobilize your multifamily “family” to help?
  • APPLE CIDER/HOT CHOCOLATE BAR: This is one of my favorites! Have a hot chocolate and apple cider bar on a Saturday morning during December. Put out all the fixins’ like candy canes, marshmallows, whipped cream, cinnamon sticks and other light refreshments for your residents and prospects. They’ll love the yummy goodness, you’ll love the way it makes your office smells and everyone goes away happy!
  • HALLMARK CHRISTMAS MOVIE NIGHT: Everyone loves Hallmark Christmas movies so you may want to gather/connect like-minded residents to watch Christmas movies together. Here is the thing to consider, if you want to play movies in your common area you may want to check with your risk management team to make sure that you’re not in violation of applicable copyright laws by exhibiting TV shows publicly. However, if residents choose to gather on their own in their homes, then obviously, they’re good to go.
  • CARDS FOR THE TROOPS: Many of our servicemembers will be away from their loved ones this Christmas. Encourage your residents to write cards or send emails to our troops far from home. I know the servicemembers will appreciate it-and it’ll help your residents feel good too!

Happy Holidays!!


Customer Service, Work Tips
About Rommel Anacan

Rommel Anacan is the president of The Relationship Difference-a professional and personal development firm in Orange County, California. He is a sought-after motivational speaker, corporate trainer and strategist and has spoken for leading companies, organizations and to thousands of people nationwide. In 2017 he became the newest member of the famed Apartment All-Stars team! For more information about Rommel, visit