Tag Archives: rommel anacan

July 16, 2019

It’s Your Halftime!

Can you believe that it’s already the middle of the year?? Let that sink in for a second. If you’re like me you may often be so busy trying to get your normal day to day things done that you may not take time to pause to see where you’ve been and where you’re going. […]

Success, Success as a Temp
October 30, 2018

Are You Cut Out For Customer Service?

After working in some type of customer service profession for over 25 years and speaking and training thousands of people around the country on the subject for the past four years, I feel confident in saying this…. If you’re not really into helping people, or you know, “serving customers” then you need to “move on […]

Customer Service
April 17, 2018

Why Don’t We Give Great Customer Service?

Friends, I have been on a kick lately about asking why we do the things we do and why we don’t do the things we know we should do. For example, take a look at the video below. (Beware, it gets loud, so watch out if you’re watching in an office.) From what I could […]

Customer Service
February 13, 2018

Keeping the Love Alive For Your Residents

Did you know that 60% of residents move out for reasons that are directly impacted by the community team? (Satisfacts) That’s right. 60%. So even though many of your vacating residents may be giving you reasons like, “moving out of the city” or “renting a home” or “needed three bedrooms” which seem like reasons you […]

Customer Service, resident retention
November 1, 2017

Selling the “Hallmark Way”

Selling the Hallmark Way Do you have a “guilty pleasure” for the Holiday season? You know, the one thing that you like to do during this time of year that you don’t always admit to the people around you? For me the guilty pleasure is watching Christmas movies. Lots and lots of Christmas movies. In […]

communication, Customer Service, sales, Success
April 19, 2016

Selling is NOT One Size Fits All!

I do not like buying cars. And just a few minutes after I walked into a dealership many years ago to test drive a car, I was reminded why I hated it so much. The salespeople. Oh, the salespeople. Especially the salespeople that do not seem to know that it isn’t 1972 anymore. The last […]

sales, Success
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