Tag Archives: work success

November 1, 2016

Can’t We All Just Get Along??

Over the 11 years my wife and I have been married, I have gotten into many, many, “discussions” with her. Many of them were frustrating, confusing, infuriating and yet illuminating, all at the same time! I realized that I often approached those situations in our relationship in ways that I felt was respectful and thoughtful; however […]

communication, Customer Service, Success, Work Tips
April 19, 2016

Selling is NOT One Size Fits All!

I do not like buying cars. And just a few minutes after I walked into a dealership many years ago to test drive a car, I was reminded why I hated it so much. The salespeople. Oh, the salespeople. Especially the salespeople that do not seem to know that it isn’t 1972 anymore. The last […]

sales, Success
November 19, 2015

How to Keep Your Boss Happy!

As someone who has spent the vast majority of my career in a management or supervisory role, I think I am uniquely qualified to tell you what your boss really wants from you. “Why is this important”, you ask? After all you might be thinking,  “My boss is a complete moron!” Meanwhile some of you […]
