Tag Archives: customer service

February 19, 2019

Are You Ignoring 60% of Your Customers?

Would you be surprised to learn that only 40% of people in the market for an apartment will complete the apartment renting process within 30 days? So, if you’re only focusing on the people who tell you they’re looking to rent an apartment within the next 30 days you’re potentially missing out on 60% of […]

October 30, 2018

Are You Cut Out For Customer Service?

After working in some type of customer service profession for over 25 years and speaking and training thousands of people around the country on the subject for the past four years, I feel confident in saying this…. If you’re not really into helping people, or you know, “serving customers” then you need to “move on […]

Customer Service
October 2, 2018

Changing With the Seasons

I love autumn-I really do! There is something about the transition from summer to fall, the temperature cooling down, the leaves changing colors, and knowing that some of my favorite parts of the season are just around the corner. Pumpkin Spice Latte Coffee:  If you serve coffee in your office why not offer pumpkin spice […]

resident retention, sales
July 25, 2018

You + Smile + Your Resident = Awesome

In my previous post I wrote about how the little things really matter in customer service. If you haven’t read it, I invite you to do so. I want to expand on that thought today. I spoke recently with the leadership team from a property management company about “customer service” and resident retention. One of […]

Customer Service, resident retention