Tag Archives: resident

July 25, 2018

You + Smile + Your Resident = Awesome

In my previous post I wrote about how the little things really matter in customer service. If you haven’t read it, I invite you to do so. I want to expand on that thought today. I spoke recently with the leadership team from a property management company about “customer service” and resident retention. One of […]

Customer Service, resident retention
June 27, 2017

Three Ideas to Re-Energize Your Resident Events

Let’s be honest…have your resident events grow stale? Do you find yourself doing the same types of events again and again? Is it the same residents every time that come to the events? (Or maybe the same residents, every time, that complain about the events?) Are you tired of going to a warehouse store to […]

Customer Service
December 2, 2015

The Powerful Secret to Leasing More Apartments

People do business with people they like. It seems obvious doesn’t it? Don’t you automatically gravitate towards people who you like? Don’t you just find yourself attracted to people that you perceive to be friendly and nice? Think about it…if you walked into a store and one associate smiled while the other had a snarky […]

Customer Service, sales, Success